Typescript is great, for many reasons. I think everyone will agree with that statement if they’ve given it a proper try. While writing type-safe NPM-packages, I’ve learnt a few tips and tricks that can help you utilize it for it’s full worth.
Generics are magic
Generics let you essentially tell Typescript that “I’m not sure what type this is yet, but I want to use it somehow”. A very simple example:
const giveMe = <T extends unknown>(value: T): T => value;
const five = giveMe(5);
// Typescript knows that `five` is a number.
const text = giveMe("some text");
// Typescript knows that `text` is a string.
This lets you “capture” some type that’s defined by the consumer of the function, and then use that type to do interesting stuff. Combining this with Typescript’s keyof
operator, you could give suggestion for object properties for example:
const pick = <T extends Record<string, unknown>,
K extends keyof T>(obj: T, key: K): T[K] => obj[key];
const testObj = {
keyOne: "value1",
keyTwo: "value2",
const secondValue = pick(testObj, "keyTwo");
// Here, Typescript will give you a list of suggestion in the second argument, constrained to the keys of the object given in the first argument.
The above example might look a bit intimidating and hard to read for beginners, but if we break it up into parts it’s quite straight forward.
First, we define our generics:
T extends Record<string, unknown>
defines our first generic,T
.extends Record<string, unknown>
means that the shape ofT
should be in the shape ofRecord<string, unknown>
. You will commonly seeextends unknown
as a way to say that a generic could be anything.K extends keyof T
defines our second generic,K
. It is in the shape ofkeyof T
, meaning that it should be a key ofT
Then, we use our generics. First, as we define the arguments of the function to be of the generic types:
Then we also use the generics in the return type:
means that the return type should be the value of obj[key]
, which typescript can infer. This gives us two nice advantages when using this function:
- Auto-complete when selecting a key of any given object in the second argument.
- The proper return type of the value the consumer picks.
Although we use
in the example, these are arbitrary names and can be anything. It is, however, common practise to use a single letter to name a generic, so that it’s easy to recognise it in big types as a generic and not just a normal/imported type.
Using as const
Let’s use the previous example to illustrate the problem:
const obj1 = {
keyOne: "value1",
keyTwo: "value2" as const,
const testValue = pick(obj1, "keyOne");
// testValue is of type `string`
const testValue = pick(obj1, "keyTwo");
// testValue is of type `"value2"`
As you can see, you can force Typescript to be “more specific” when deriving the type of a value. If you define a string as const
, then the actual contents of the string will be used as the type. You could do the same with a number, to say that the number is of type 10
. You could also do it to lists to force typescript to take the order and length into consideration:
const obj1 = {
keyOne: ["some string", 123],
keyTwo: ["some string", 123] as const,
keyThree: ["some string" as const, 123] as const,
const testValue = pick(obj1, "keyOne");
// ^ is of type `Array<string | number>`
const testValueTwo = pick(obj1, "keyTwo");
// ^ is of type `readonly [string, number]`
const testValueThree = pick(obj1, "keyTwo");
// ^ is of type `readonly ["some string", number]`
This is very useful when you want to capture the more specific constant type, rather than the overarching primitive type. I use this in rtk-query-loader
so that the user can return an array of queries like this:
queries: () => [useGetPokemon(), useGetUsers()] as const,
Which will let the user know the order, values and length of the list later on when consuming them:
queries: () => [useGetPokemon(), useGetUsers()] as const,
transform: (queries) => ({
pokemon: queries[0].data,
users: queries[1].data
Optional generic function arguments
Lets say you have a function that might take an argument, and if it does, the argument is required and it is of a generic type. A naive solution might be something like this:
const funcWithPossibleArg = <T extends unknown>(arg?: T) => {};
const funcA = funcWithPossibleArg<string>;
const funcB = funcWithPossibleArg<number>;
// Problem is that neither of these _require_ an argument of the given type.
funcB(); // perfectly fine for all Typescript knows
A more proper solution, would be something like this:
const funcWithPossibleArg = <T = never>(...args: T extends never ? [] : [T]) => {};
const noArgFunc = funcWithPossibleArg<never>;
const requiredStringArg = funcWithPossibleArg<string>;
noArgFunc(); // properly does not require any argument
requiredStringArg(""); // properly requires string
So what does T extends never ? [] : [T]
actually do? It is basically saying that the list of arguments should be empty if T
extends never
, but if it does not extend never
then the list of args should be no more and no less than one, of the type T
Using extends
like that is a great way to “test” if a generic is of a given type, and then conditionally type your function accordingly. In RTK-query-loader I use this method to properly determine the return type of the loaderData, depending on whether or not the loader is extended, and which arguments are passed to the extended loader.
Infer generics
In RTK-query-loader, I return a Loader
type. A Loader
contains 4 generics;
– represents the props of the componentR
– represents the return value of the loader (loaderData)QRU
– represents a list of queries that is used to generate the loader data.A
– represents the argument passed to the loader hook
Now one nice-to-have, is being able to infer the generic type that represents the return value of the loader, so that the consumer could do this:
const loader = createLoader({...});
type LoaderData = InferLoaderData<typeof loader>;
The way I achieve this functionality is by using Typescript’s infer:
type InferLoaderData<T> = T extends Loader<any, infer X, any, any> ? X : unknown;
A caveat I encountered was that this method broke when one of the other generics was never
. I suppose this is because never
does not extend any
I found a relatively simple way to work around this, not sure if it is the best method but this is how I did it:
type InferLoaderData<T> =
T extends Loader<any, infer X, any, any>
? X
: T extends Loader<never, infer Y, any, any>
? Y
: T extends Loader<any, infer Z, never, any>
? Z
: never;
So I’m basically checking if T
matches any of the given options, and returning the inferred loaderData (R
) if it is able to resolve. In the above example, the first and the third generic could be never
, so I add cases for them both respectively.
As a challenge for yourself, try to read the following type, which is used to extend a loader in rtk-query-loader
type Loader<
P extends unknown,
R extends unknown,
QRU extends readonly UseQueryResult<unknown>[] = [],
A = never
> = {
// ...
extend: <
QRUb extends readonly UseQueryResult<unknown>[] = QRU,
Pb extends unknown = P,
Rb extends unknown = QRUb extends QRU
? R extends never
: R
: MakeDataRequired<QRUb>,
Ab = A
newLoader: Partial<CreateLoaderArgs<Pb, QRUb, Rb, Ab>>
) => Loader<Pb, Rb, QRUb extends never ? QRU : QRUb, Ab>;
Using everything we’ve learned in this article, we should be able to decipher what’s going on.
- The
property of the loader takes in a new set of generics, that I’ve decided to name the same as the original loader generics, just with ab
appended. - These generics are assigned default/fallback values which for the most case are inherited by their origin loader.
- I check if
QRUb extends QRU
– meaning that the list of queries is the same between the origin loader and the extended loader, in turn meaning that the extended loader does not contain a new/different queries argument, and then resolve a different default/fallback type based on whether or not that is true. - I return a new
with the extended generics instead of the original generics.
Pretty cool, eh? This way we can extend on to infinity, and Typescript will happily let us know what the actual return value of the loader is, what arguments it takes, which props it expects and what the list of queries used looks like, all based on which properties you decide to extend, and which properties exist on the origin loaders.