So Javascript has this interesting feature called Proxy. This will allow you to intercept value getting and setting in a given object. This can be used to achieve Signals in React. By notifying listeners whenever the value property is set. For there to be listeners, we should also add a subscribe function that returns a […]
Category Archives: Article
This article is about a Norwegian educational initiative that I helped start up, For this reason, the article is in Norwegian. Kode24 skrev i dag om, et nytt initiativ som jeg nylig har startet i gang. sikter mot å bli en solid ressurs for nybegynnere som har lyst til å lære seg […]
Typesafe Custom Events
Here’s a useful abstraction on top of custom events that let you more easily set up typesafe channels to communicate between. This can be used in React like a hook: It’s worth noting that the events collected in the hook are cleared when the component is unmounted, and it only start listening once the component […]
Ryfylke React Toast
@ryfylke-react/toast is a lightweight headless toast library. The problem Most toast-libraries I’ve come over are generally very clunky and opinionated. Yes, you can customize the toasts through options and props, but it’s generally tedious, and you have to overwrite their existing styles. I’ve found that whenever I’ve needed to build a toast-system, I’ve ended up […]
RTK Query Loader 1.0.0
I’ve been continuing to work on RTK Query Loader, on the side, since it’s inception 4 months ago. In that time, I’ve fixed some bugs, added some new features and written a proper documentation site. Interface updates One thing that I’ve thought about for a while, was rewriting the input/output format for the loaders. It’s […]
Some interesting Typescript features I’ve learnt while writing NPM packages
Typescript is great, for many reasons. I think everyone will agree with that statement if they’ve given it a proper try. While writing type-safe NPM-packages, I’ve learnt a few tips and tricks that can help you utilize it for it’s full worth. Generics are magic Generics let you essentially tell Typescript that “I’m not sure […]
Introducing RTK-Query-Loader
A new package that I’ve made. What problem does it solve? Let us say that you are using redux toolkit, and utilising createAPI and it’s generated useQuery hooks. You might have found yourself in a situation similar to this: I have a component that needs data from multiple queries And depending on your preferences, you […]
Creating a CodePen-like editor with React
So I’ve been working on this educational site, an internal project at my company. One of the things I really wanted as a big feature was a on-site code-editor that can run React-code. In my mind this seemed like it was a pretty big task, but it turns out it’s actually relatively straight forward. First […]
Loading state with Redux toolkit
Before createAPI came out, my current team needed a way of cleaning up all of the loading logic around our async thunks. We were using @reduxjs/toolkit, with createSlice and createAsyncThunk. A simple solution to our problem was essentially adding a match on the extraReducer builder for any thunk that included “:load” in its name, and […]
My 2021
Hi! It’s been a while. I wanted to write an article to explain what I’ve been up to lately, and share some hopefully interesting thoughts. Yearly write up Hopefully, I’ll be able to write more than one article next year. It’s been busy for sure, and just really a big change of scene. When covid […]